The Hypotenuse

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A parable elucidating a pathway to inner and world peace consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ is presented. Using universal principles regarding natural turbulence as recently uncovered via the science of complexity, the piece shows how simple notions from modern science allow us to visualize the consequences of personal and collective actions and how such ideas entice us, through reason and faith, to seek harmony and friendship in a condition typified by the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Written in a style that invites reflection and self-discovery, The Hypotenuse uses the format of an illustrated tale, with “people” walking on top of scientific diagrams, to weave concepts and symbols from mathematics, physics, politics, economics, and morals, in an original and unforeseen fashion. This second edition is launched in the wake of the recent Occupy movements worldwide and the increased awareness of the 1% against the 99%, as an attempt to highlight the optimal solution for us all. Video presentation available at Also available in Spanish! About the Author: Carlos E. Puente received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1984 and has been a Professor of Hydrology at the University of California, Davis since 1986. His research focuses on understanding natural and man-made complexity. He has authored over fifty publications, including the books Treasures Inside the Bell and The Fig Tree & The Bell. Praise for THE HYPOTENUSE “Carlos Puente has an unusual gift for using scientific ideas, amusing sketches and poetic comments to convey spiritual insights in a way that is attractive and eye-catching.” —Rev. Dr. John C. Polkinghorne, 2002 Templeton Prize Winner “I ought to confess that I found your proposals fascinating, so much as if I had in my own hands an unknown book by Borges.” —José Saramago, 1998 Nobel Prize Winner in Literature “After reading it few times, and needing time to reflect after each reading, The Hypotenuse can be understood as both a parable and a Zen Koan. A parable is an allegory intended for a moral and/or spiritual lesson, a Zen Koan poses a paradoxical question or problem whose intention is a spiritual breakthrough. The tale, both profoundly simple and simply profound, has an urgent message for all who are troubled by globalization and what it means today and could mean for humanity and our common future, for those promoting global justice and the just distribution of the earth’s good, and the spiritual welfare of humanity. Politics, the economy, humanity and spirituality are components of The Hypotenuse, and therefore, equal factors in its solution. A tale ancient, yet applicable to the present moment, it demonstrates that it is within our reach and power to attain the balance that supports and maintains life for all.” —Rev. Wil Tyrrell, S.A., Archdiocese of New York “Dr. Carlos Puente has written a marvelous parable, showing how peace may be achieved through forgiveness and love. Puente draws parallels between the universal way by which turbulence oc­curs in nature and our immature human attitudes that often lead to indifference, violence, and soli­tude. Run to your nearest bookstore to buy this little gem, and sail on the shoreless sea of love.” —Dr. Cliff Pickover, Author of The Paradox of God and the Science of Omniscience - from Amzon 
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